What is an eStatement?
An eStatement is your account statement that is delivered to you electronically and eStatements are free!
Will my eStatement look the same as my regular statement?
Yes. We even include the reconcilement page. Images of your cancelled checks and deposits are also included, if you currently receive those items.
How will I know when my statement is ready to view online?
Every statement cycle, we will send you an email when your eStatement is ready to access online.
What is .PDF?
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) is a standard file format for distributing electronic documents. Adobe PDF files can be viewed, saved, and printed by using Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
What if I don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader?
The basic Adobe Acrobat Reader software is available for free at www.adobe.com
How do I save my eStatements?
Once you have opened your eStatement, you can save it using the small disk icon on the toolbar of your Adobe Acrobat Reader software. Provide a name for the file using a .pdf extension. Select a name that will help you remember which statement the file contains (e.g. CheckingJanuary2012.pdf).
How do I print my eStatements?
Again, by using the Adobe Acrobat Reader toolbar, press the printer icon. You can either print the entire statement or just a particular page.
What if I enroll but decide I want to change back to paper statements?
You must notify us either in writing or in person of your request.
What if I change my email address?
You must notify us either in writing or in person of your new email address.
By specifying additional recipients, you can share your bank statement with your accountant or others. By being able to forward your eStatement, you will save time and money.